Ways to Save Money 2018


   Happy Friday and Happy Holidays!!!!  Well the year 2017 is coming to a close and as we wrap it up, to prepare for 2018, I would like to share some ideas of saving for a rainy day. I'm going to list a few that I tried this year for myself. All we need is self control when it comes down to our spending habit.

1. Pocket Change-  save all your change in a jar or piggy bank. You would be surprised how much it add up.

2. Dollar bill Challenge-  save every one dollar bill that you get back in change from a purchase. If  your one of those who only carry cards, than try moving five dollars from your checking account to your savings once a week.

3. Take your own cup-  Purchase a coffee mug and get refills. You save a lot on coffee in the morning by only paying for a refill with your cup.

4. Pennies- no one likes to pick up the penny that's on the ground, but those pennies add up. Save all your pennies in a jar or piggy bank.

5. Savings club- Join a savings club or start one with a few family members. Just set an amount that you can afford to save each month. For example, myself and three others are saving $20 a month and if we want to add more, we can. But the minimum is $20 each month, not a whole lot but at the end of the year it gives us shopping money for the holidays.

When choosing what to save your change or dollar bills in, I pick something that's appealing to the eye. Kind of helps me to keep it appealing by adding money in it.

                                                                         Happy Saving!


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