How to sow seed


I'm so grateful and thankful for the God I serve. He is always teaching me and showing me secrets to His kingdom.

I wanted to get a laptop for a child for Christmas but couldn't afford it myself. So I sent out a group text asking certain friends and family. Not everyone responded or gave but I asked for a donation of $20 or whatever they could give. In order to get the laptop shipped on time for Christmas, I needed the money right away.

It shouldn't be a surprise to some of you that those that had it, didn't give. But that's ok because God moved upon the ones He wanted to give. You see I didn't understand at first but God wanted to bless a chosen number of these people. So those that gave, gave without question and those that didn't gave excuses or didn't respond.

By the end of the day I had $125 of the money needed to purchase the laptop online from Walmart. The next morning I was suppose to go put the money in the bank and order the laptop. What do you know, it snowed and down south where I'm from, the idea of snow and people close down every thing. So now the bank is closed and it's Friday. My account only had just enough to order the laptop. I went ahead and ordered it with the money I had already in my account, which left me with $2.00 balance.

The Lord let me know that night about seed, that everyone that gave towards the laptop for that baby, was seed. He wanted to do something for them and needed them to plant a seed. I prayed over every dollar amount given to me. God showed me the blessings He released to these people. I was texting and telling them to name the seed, pray and believe. Just overwhelmed and excited how this was the hand of God.

Mean time, the next couple of days I awake and go check my credit with TransUnion and Equifax. Glory to God, my $70 seed had manifest. $7000 worth of debt, Removed.... Gone from my credit reports. Talking about joy, I almost did a flip off my bed.

God is so good, I'm so grateful and thankful. Whenever you see a opportunity to be a blessing to someone, take it. Giving is at it's best when you give to someone who can't give it back. I'm always praying over things that people give to me. Asking God to bless them and receiving as seed.

Get your seed, pray, sow and believe God!!!!


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