There is a Cost

Bible Study 1/11/17 Matthew 8: 18 - 22 Title: It cost to follow Jesus Subtitle: But the cost, He has already paid Jesus, a man of authority & dedicated in His work of God the father. He was full of the Spirit of God, which carries an anointing that draws. The scripture states that Jesus saw the crowd drawn around him and gave order to cross over to another area. He may have needed time to get away and pray and rest. At times I ask myself, is my Spirit drawing Gods people? When my Spirit doesn't draw people, it make nervous. I have to go and pray and be sure of what's going on, because if your wearing the Spirit of God it will show and draw people. Once I meet a stranger, I already know that God want me to give them His word and that's my assignment. Sometimes people are only seasonal so don't try to hold on. Do what God has you to do and let go. They may not even listen or do a word you say but that's ok, don't you get discouraged. Long as your obedient and did what God said for you to do. Their disobedience and rejection is between them and God. A teacher of the law (scribe), came to Jesus and said that he would follow him wherever.  Notice that this is a scribe saying this. Jesus replied to let him know that this walk is not easy. I'm the Son of Man and even I don't get rest, I'm always doing the will of God. There's no calling off sick. Jesus does not promise an easy life not even today to his followers. This man being a scribe had not counted the cost of following Jesus. But Jesus knew that he would get tired or when trouble comes he would fall away. Another disciple said to Jesus let me go bury my love one. Jesus responded, follow me and let the dead in spirit bury the physically dead. We can't put off God for to handle earthly things. In those time men left inheritance to the family and this man wanted to go take care of business first before following Jesus. But be wise, and know that when Jesus is calling you, you are to answer and put him first. We cannot put off God, in this case Jesus was saying that the man was already dead there's nothing you can do but you can follow me and help those that's still living receive salvation. Salvation is for the living. Go minister to the living that's spiritually dead, while they still have time.


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