"The Great Invitation "


Reference:  Isaiah Chapter 55

Salvation offered freely, (v1)  Benefits already provided by the sufferings of Christ Jesus, this invitation is for everyone. For those that thirst, come and drink from the living waters ( John 7: 38 ) that shall flow from within you. For the scriptures declares that rivers of living water will flow from the heart. Come without money, the price has already been paid.

(V.6)  Today is the day of Salvation. Repent and change your ways. Call upon Him while he is near, do not put off being saved. Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved ( Acts 16:31 ). God has already done the work. All you must do is recieve in your heart, in faith, the salvation God offers. God is offering you salvation as a gift. Jesus is the way to salvation ( John 3:16 )


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